Bonus Scene
Text Chat
Savio: Your ass is driving me insane. I want to bend you over the kitchen table and fuck you against it.
Savio: But, before I do, I’m going to eat you and I’m not going to stop until you’re begging for my cock. I want my mouth covered in you. I’m not going to stop until I’m drowning in your pussy juices.
Diana: STOP! Holy hell, Savio. This is the GROUP chat. Remember?!
Andrea: Erm, oops?
Andrea: But also 

Diana: I should be embarrassed, but mostly I’m freakin’ jealous
Diana: Who the hell would have known a priest could have a dirty mind like that?
Andrea: Ex-priest
Savio: Can we please forget you ever read that?
Andrea: *snorts* Nice try
Andrea: Diana’s dick starved because her current one can’t use it right. You just fired up her imagination in all the wrong ways.
Savio: God help me
Andrea: Watch it, lol. That’s pretty close to our vows
Diana: Huh? Which vows? Your wedding ones?
Andrea: Nah. Entirely different variety 

Andrea: Diana already knows you’re a freak between the sheets, Savio, so don’t worry about it. 

Savio: WHAT?!
Andrea: Who do you think I go to for advice?
Andrea: She’s the reason I can do that thing with my tongue

Savio: I’m both mortified and grateful
Savio: Why do you like to distress me so, mon ange?
I like to keep you on your toes

Diana: Why you call her mon ange is beyond me. She’s the opposite of an angel
Andrea: Hey!
Savio: I tried calling her diavoletta, but it never took
Andrea: No, because I’m all 

Diana: HA. No one believes that. Especially not me.
Savio: Wait, before I perish out of sheer embarrassment, that thing on the thing with the thing… that was… Diana?
Diana: Probably
Andrea: The thing with the butt plug? Yup, that was all her
Savio: No, I meant with the shoes on the… thing.
Savio: Nom de Dieu, it was, wasn’t it?
Savio: If neither of you ever hear from me again, you’ll understand why
*Savio leaves chat*
*Andrea adds Savio to chat*
*Savio leaves chat*
*Diana adds Savio to chat*
Andrea: Savio?
Diana: Savio?
Diana: Think he’s really expired from mortification?
Andrea: Perhaps.
Diana: Figured he’d be mad you asked me that stuff, not embarrassed lol
Andrea: It’s his fault he opened the wrong chat
Andrea: Don’t worry, I’ll kiss his booboos better
Diana: So, I tried out something with Damian.
Andrea: He of the nine inches?
Diana: Yeah. It was an interesting experiment actually
Andrea: The deep throating?
Andrea: What have you learned?
Diana: I can adapt to the length but it’s the curve that gets me every time
Andrea: Savio’s as straight as a ruler. I’m grateful lol. Though if he was a little thinner, I’d be able to get more of him down.
Diana: A straight shaft comes with its own issues. I gag all the time with dicks like that
Savio: Please, God, let me leave this chat
Savio: I’m grateful that you can talk about these things together, but not with me present?

Diana: A couple should have no secrets 

Savio: Ha! I used to counsel married couples, Diana. The key to longevity is manageable secrets. Not whether one is a secret shoplifter but the little things like, I hate the socks you wear and I wish you stabbed food with your fork and didn’t scoop it up
Diana: Is this a message for Andrea?
Andrea: Hey!
Andrea: I don’t even wear socks aside from the…
Andrea: Wait! Is that why you always stuff socks in my stocking at Christmas?
Savio: No, of course not
Diana: How can anyone have a sock preference?
Andrea: And what’s wrong with scooping? Everyone scoops!
Diana: Actually, they don’t. I noticed in Madrid it’s very much an American thing. Like ice water served automatically with every meal at a restaurant.
Andrea: I can’t believe I’m learning about your pet peeves in a conversation with my best friend!!
Diana: Not sure you can complain when you told me he has a straight ten-inch schlong, babe
Diana: Hey, like you didn’t ask me where to buy the best vibrators from, bud?
Savio: You know too much about our marriage
Diana: What can I say? I’m a good listener. Plus, Andrea’s the one who keeps a check on the guys I date so it’s only fair
Savio: What do you mean? How does she keep a check on your dates?
Andrea: I have a spreadsheet
Savio: A spreadsheet?
Andrea: Yep!
Savio: What’s on it?
Andrea: Names, addresses, likes, dislikes, allergies, sexual preferences. Stuff like that
Savio: I’m not sure why I’m even surprised
Andrea: Me neither lol.

Savio: The pair of you drive a man to drink
Diana: You’re the one who invited me to live with you
Savio: For a month. Not ten years.


Savio: Though, if this is the kind of stuff you talk about when you’re supposed to be editing books together, get her the appropriate links to teach her how to learn poker
Say what?

Savio: I have ideas, mon ange.
Andrea: That involve poker?
Diana: I can teach her. My asshole of an ex taught me how so we… OHHHHhhhh.
Poker lessons CUMMING right up

Andrea: I’m doubling down on the SAY WHAT?!!
Savio: You’ll find out soon enough, diavoletta
Savio: Now, be a good girl and get your ass in the kitchen so that I can fuck you.
Savio: And Diana, make yourself scarce
Diana: Orgasm alert!
Diana: I’m going to go over to Damian’s place. The last thing I need is to endure yet another soundtrack of you two going at it like rabbits. If only earplugs worked
Diana: You guys?
Diana: Hey, are you fucking already?
Diana: Don’t answer that. I heard it loud and clear 

Copyright Serena Akeroyd 2024